
This is a resource page for those who lead the intercessions in church. It includes references to books and websites that you may find useful and inspiring.

Book Title Author Publisher  
Prayers for All Seasons

Nick Fawcett

Kevin Mayhew


Clouds and Glory - Prayers for the Church Year

David Adam

SPCK 3 books for years A,B and C *

The Intercessions Handbook

John Pritchard


Preparing the General Intercessions

Michael Kwatera

The Liturgical Press


Inercessions - Prayers for Sudays, Holy Days

and Festivals and for Special Services

Raymond Chapman

Canterbury Press


Common Worship - Times and Seasons

  Church House Publishing **

Common Worship

  Church House Publishing **

*  The church year starts on Advent Sunday and is based on a three yearly cycle with years A, B and C. 

Year A starts on Advent Sunday 2025

Year B starts on Advent Sunday 2023

Year C started on Advent Sunday 2024

**  All the Common Worship Books are available in PDF format from the Church of England website. Included on the website are:

  • The main volume of Common Worship
  • Daily Prayer
  • Times and Seasons
  • Festivals

The monthly Diocesan Calendar of Prayer is available in PDF and Word formats from the Diocese of Guildford website. 

Page last updated: Friday 21st June 2024 5:25 PM
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